Automated Monthly Exclusion Screening

Automated Monthly Screening
Monthly exclusion and sanction screening is the industry standard. For our members with no staff changes from month to month, screening is completely automated. There is no need to spend hours searching and investigating potential exclusion and sanction matches through dozens of exclusion authorities. For practices with over five providers and staff, Venops regularly saves approximately 40 working hours each month. Even with new staff or vendors to screen, only minutes are needed to submit your changes.
Save More Than Fiscal Resources
Failure to maintain a screening program places high risk that may jeopardize the financial health of your organization. If it is discovered that you failed to maintain regular screening records – or worse – that an excluded person or entity is employed, the likely results are significant fines or a settlement with HHS OIG. More than the risk of monetary losses, the reputation of your organization may suffer heavily from word of mouth, mandatory press releases, and other required public notifications.
Visit the Memberships page of our site for an informed registration process that takes minutes, or call us at 855.567.3552 to talk about exclusion and sanction compliance practices